November 2021 and it is final, we have handed over the keys. We have somehow managed to fit a 2800 sq ft home, 3 outbuildings and all the “stuff” from our farm in one storage unit, one storage shed, one trailer and a one acre pasture for the animals. Our family of 6 + 2 dogs and 1 cat is now living in our travel trailer for 5.5 months at my brothers house! Chad has officially given his 6 month notice and our departure date for Montana is April 11, 2022! Wow is all I have to say. This by no means happened seamlessly, but we did it and it is happening.
We have signed contracts for our shop to be built in February (this is where we will live, while building our home) and electricity to go in, in early spring. We are still in the process of getting final approval for our well and septic to go in and still waiting to hear from a well driller to sign a contract there. There is a significant back log of work in this area as there is in the whole country. I know in my heart it will happen and we just keep going on. The reality is not there yet, we are just focused on the transition of living in the trailer, homeschooling in the trailer and everything else it takes on a daily basis as a family. We are so very blessed to be at my brother’s house as we have access to our full size refrigerator and freezer and a washer and dryer. We lasted about one month of trying to home school from the trailer. My Sister in Law graciously opened her home to us each morning, so that we could spread all the “stuff” out and get work done. This was a life saver, and made everything seem so very possible.