Well we are already into February 2023! Figured it was about time for an update.
Winter is slow and quiet here in the mountains of Montana. Business owners are resting from long summer days and the people like the animals tend to want to settle in and hibernate. But, do not get me wrong life is still moving along! The kids have settled into a routine of being kids, busy in extra curricular activities and finding the past times that interest them. Our Hailey went back to brick and mortar school in January of 2023 as a freshmen at a local High School. It was with a lot of anxiety and fear of the unknown, not only for her, but ourselves as her parents. However, I am happy to report that she is doing exceptionally well and finding her way. We could not be happier with how this transition has worked itself out.
We are finding our new balance between busy and quiet and what that will look like here. Our kids push us to be on the busier side, but I think we are still doing a good job of finding the balance. As spring is approaching we begin to look at the house and the homestead and how and what that involves. Chad is actively creating supply lists, so that he can continue to progress with the home as soon as weather allows. It is very exciting and very nerve wracking at the same time, not gonna lie! We are in the planning and purchasing phase of putting all the animals back on our little homestead. Creating plans for the garden and what that not only looks like, but needs in order to be successful. What animals will be here first, what our priorities are with said animals. Remember it is still all a balancing act, as the property did not get completely fenced last year and so we have to find what is right for right now.
I think we all are getting our heads and bodies right with the busy of the coming seasons and the transformation and growth of our home and property. We are steadily learning a new 4-H program and what that looks like for not only 1 child but 3. What we need to be doing now and through out the next 6 months. Who wants to do what, finding new challenges for each of them to continue to encourage them outside of their comfort zone and finding out new things about themselves.
Spending some of these winter months trying my hand at home made mozzarella and home made bread. Going to report that I am still trying! Lol, no really it is much more trying on the patience then I thought it would be. I have nailed an artisan bread, but still working on others. I find this crazy because two years ago, I had sourdough down, but can not seem to replicate. I know I am overthinking it and will figure it out. Nailed mozzarella once and then failed miserably 2 additional times! Going back to the basic process and going to stop trying to make it more difficult then it needs to be. We look forward to sharing our continuing journey with you as the months progress. Stay tuned in the coming months for adorable baby animal pictures!!